The Putnam House - A Center for Seniors offers older adults in the Houlton area

a comfortable, welcoming space for laughter, learning...and a killer game of Uno!

A Brief History of a Very Special Place

Over the years, a growing group of Houlton residents recognized the need for a special place for older adults to come together for fun and fellowship - a place that was cozy and welcoming, filled with good friends and lots to do. A vision emerged, and in 2016, efforts began to make a senior center for the Houlton area a reality.

When a group of committed folks get going, nothing can stop them.

Initially, the group focused on the Putnam House on North Street, a lovely old home that seemed like the perfect location for the center. The keepers of the Putnam Charitable Trust had been seeking a purpose for the building for several years and were excited by the idea of using the space for a senior center. As a result, the Trust offered this group the use of the building at no cost.

Soon, what started as an informal group organized into a 510(c)3 non-profit - called Putnam House - with a Board of Directors, grant applications, and lots and lots of ideas for this new space. Thing were rolling right along, with plans for renovations underway, when major flaws were discovered with the structure. Looking at an investment of more than $100,000 to address these issues, the Board made the difficult decision to look elsewhere for a home for the center. Because the organization had already formalized with the name "Putnam House", the name stuck. (We think it's a great name, though!)

While many organizations would have sputtered when faced with this kind of decision, the Board and its volunteers were undeterred. Regular Tuesday gatherings began in July of 2017 at the First Baptist Church, with free coffee and donuts, fellowship, and games and puzzles for older adults. Soon, these events were drawing 10-20 people, depending on the weather.

Sometimes what you're looking for is right under your nose, and that was true in this case. In October of 2017, the Board began negotiations on a lease agreement for the building adjacent to the First Baptist Church, a small brick structure that many would recognize as a former veterinary office or - going back a ways - a dentist's office built by Dr. Frank Rogers for his practice. Renovations got started quickly, with kind support from Buildings Etcetera, Ross Sheet Metal and Swallow’s Electric, and in June of 2018, Putnam House - A Center for Seniors opened its doors for the first time.